Happy New Year from JobsPeopleDo!

Welcome to 2016. Last year was great, but this year will be even better; more planning, goal setting and high achievements. This might be your best year yet! Setting goals and making resolutions is very common this time of year. However, sometimes, people start out the new year with motivation, and slowly lose it over time- don’t let this happen to you! In this January issue of JPD, we have some great tips and tricks to help you stick to your resolutions and achieve your goals, whether long or short term. If you falter on your resolutions in the first few months of the year, it is never too late to turn it around.
JPD has some great new job videos to show you (just to name a few): Systems Engineer-Aerospace, Doctor of Dental Surgery, Civil Engineer- Water Reclamation, Construction Worker-Green Builder, Police Officer-Evidence Technician. For more new videos, make sure to browse the different job video tabs- don’t miss out! Within the next few months, we’ll be releasing more new job videos you can sink your teeth into.
Good luck and stay safe!
Erin Lynne Bouman
Content Editor
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