Onward and Upward: February 2016

You made it through the first month of 2016! We are all half way through the winter storm, but not half way through the year, yet. The first month of a new year can be the most challenging; new assignments, new grade, new teachers, and maybe even some new friends. Once you get through your first month of the year, you can always move up and and change whatever isn’t working for you. If you feel like January was your “test drive” month, that’s OK. Just pick your socks up and start again with a refreshing new outlook and perspective!
In February’s issue of JPD, we have more new videos to check out: Chemical Engineer-Plastic Molds, Athletic Trainer-Sports Rehabilitation, Coach-Strength Conditioning, Police Officer-Evidence Technician-Blood Collection. We also have some awesome new articles on how you can make a career out of your love for nature, why you shouldn’t cheat on a test, how to build social skills on campus, and how choosing a trade can help you in your daily life.
Starting this month, we will be sharing some inspiring success stories of women and men working in the trades, all over Canada- visit our trades section for more details!
Have a great month and enjoy all your Valentines Day candy!
Erin Lynne Bouman
Content Editor
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