April 2016 Scholarships: Apply Now!

Libro Student Awards
Amount: $3,000
Provided by: Libro Credit Union
Deadline: April 14, 2016
Donor: Libro Credit Union
Number Available: 20
Website: https://www.libro.ca/studentawards
Via www.scholarshipscanada.com
President’s Circle Entrance Scholarship
Amount: $2,500
Provided by: St. Mary’s University
Deadline: April 15, 2016
Donor: St. Mary’s University
Number Available: 3
Automatic Consideration: Yes
Website: http://www.stmu.ca/
Via www.scholarshipscanada.com
International Student Entrance Scholarship
Amount: $2,000
Provided by: Bow Valley College
Deadline: April 30, 2016
Renewable: Yes
Number Available: 4
Automatic Consideration: No
Website: http://International.bowvalleycollege.ca/awards
Application Address: http://International.bowvalleycollege.ca/awards
Notes: This award is only available for students ENTERING first year.
Via www.scholarshipscanada.com
Voice for Animals High School Scholarship
Scholarship Value: $650
Awards Available: 11
Award Deadline: April 30, 2016
Website: http://www.hennet.org/contest.php
Via www.studentscholarships.org
Gloria Barron Prize
Scholarship Value: $5,000
Awards Available: 25
Award Deadline: April 15, 2016
Website: http://barronprize.org/apply/
Via www.studentscholarships.org
IAPMO Essay Scholarship Contest
Scholarship Value: $1,000
Awards Available: 3
Award Deadline: May 1, 2016
Website: http://www.iapmo.org/Pages/EssayContest.aspx
Via www.studentscholarships.org
Nahom Berhane Scholarship for Leadership and Inclusion
Deadline: Apr 30, 2016
Information on Scholarship:
Policies and Procedures:
Via www.yconic.com
George H. Nofer Scholarship for Law and Public Policy
Deadline: Apr 22, 2016
Application: http://www.agbell.org/Document.aspx?id=285
Information: http://www.agbell.org/uploadedFiles/Families/AG_Bell_Financial_Aid_Programs/2016%20Nofer%20Application.pdf
Via www.yconic.com
Tim Hortons Scholarship
Deadline: Apr 13, 2016
Information: https://scholarship.timhortons.com/
Amount: $1000
Number of scholarships: 220
Via www.yconic.com
Looking Ahead!
A.B. Mechanical Limited Award
Deadline: May 13th, 2016
Information: http://www.nscc.ca/admissions/scholarships_and_bursaries/student-awards/Detail.aspx?I=163#sthash.jUX9Wc9B.dpbs
How to Apply:
Via www.yconic.com
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