October 2016 Scholarships: Apply Now!

Horatio Alger Canadian Scholarships
Amount: $5,000
Provided by: Horatio Alger Association of Canada
Deadline: October 25, 2016
Number Available: 80
Website: https://www.horatioalger.ca/en/scholarships/about-our-scholarships-programs/
Application Address: https://application2.horatioalger.org/Security/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2f
Contact Information:
Horatio Alger Association of Canada
(855) 753-9565
Via www.scholarshipscanada.com
The HRPA No Waiting! Scholarship Contest
Amount: $500
Provided by: HRPA
Deadline: October 25, 2016
Number Available: 5
Website: https://www.hrpa.ca/
Application Address: http://www.scholarshipscanada.com/HRPA-Contest/index.aspx
Contact Information:
Ruel Navia Communications Manager
(416) 923-2324 150 Bloor St W, Toronto, ON, Canada. M5S 2X9
Excellence in Ag Program ( Agriculture)
Want to pursue a career in Agriculture? Check out this scholarship!
Scholarship Value: $20,000
Awards Available: 4
Award Deadline: October 15, 2016
Application Address: http://www.coopag.ca/wps/portal/crs/coop/ag
Loran Scholars
For High School students planning on post-secondary:
Scholarship Value: $100,000
Awards Available: 30
Award Deadline: October 26, 2016
Application Address: http://www.loranscholar.ca/becoming-a-scholar/
Centennial Scholarship
Scholarship Value: $2,500
Awards Available: 1
Award Deadline: October 31, 2016
Application Address: http://www.cim.org/en/Societies-and-Branches/Societies/Maintenance-Engineering-and-Reliability-Society/Awards-and-Scholarships
Trucker to Trucker Scholarship
Scholarship Value: $500
Awards Available: 2
Award Deadline: November 1, 2016
Application Address: http://www.truckertotrucker.com/truck-driver-school-scholarship-application/
NBCC Foundation Awards
Website: http://www.nbcc.ca/future-students/scholarships-bursaries-awards/nbcc-foundation-awards
Amount: $200,000 is available each year in scholarships.
Deadline: October 15th, 2016
Application Address: http://thenbccfoundationinc.ca/students/bursaries-scholarships-awards.aspx
Credit Education Week Canada – Essay Writing Contest
Website: https://cewc.ca/grade-12-essay-contest
Deadline: October 17, 2016 @ 11:59 p.m. ET
Amount: Prizes range from $1000 to $5000, with over 20 prizes.
Application Address: https://cewc.ca/cewc-essay-contest-2016
Cenovus Aboriginal Scholarship
Website: http://www.cenovus.com/careers/aboriginal-scholarship.html
Deadline: October 31st, 2016
Amount: 10 X $3500
Application Address: http://www.cenovus.com/careers/docs/aboriginal-scholarship-application.pdf
College JumpStart Scholarship
Scholarship Value: $1,000
Awards Available: 2
Award Deadline: October 17, 2016
Application Address: http://www.jumpstart-scholarship.net/faq/
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