Happy New Year!

Is it just me, or was 2016 a tough year for everyone? 2016 seemed to have its significant challenges for each individual. Even if you had a great year full of successful accomplishments, you may have felt like the world around you was falling apart in some way or another- on social media, the internet, and television. 2017 is a new year to change your perspective and to look at yourself and others in a positive light.
JPD has some challenging and insightful articles in this January issue: why it is important to become more independent in post-secondary, how to decipher valid information on the internet, the state of journalism and the media, common pressures of millennials, what to expect your first year of post-secondary, eco trades, and how to build your own indoor garden ( and more!)
Be sure to browse all our article categories for new January articles and stay in touch! Leave a comment in the comment section located at the end of each article.
“Imagine all the people living life in peace.” – John Lennon
Content Editor
Erin Lynne Bouman
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