Inclusion: The Women’s March for All

Donald Trump’s ascension to the U.S. Presidency is nothing new. My history studies in university helped me make a modicum of sense of a world that is almost always on the brink of chaos. From countless wars to questionable leaders, humanity has persevered. What is new is technology. On one hand, we are now easily capable of bringing the environment to its knees and bombing the global population many times over; conversely, the masses are also able to come together like no other point in history.
The Women’s March on Washington mobilized hundreds of thousands of women as they stood up against the catastrophic rhetoric permeating many nations through the rise of right-wing nationalism. They were not alone. Other marches, including one in Toronto’s Queen’s Park, sprung up and helped make it the largest protest in United States history. The idea originated with Teresa Shook, a Hawaiian grandmother who suggested a protest on Facebook immediately after the election. Thanks to modern technology, what would have only reached family and friends instead made its way to over ten thousand people within hours.
Organizing such a vast protest en masse undoubtedly would lead to difficulties. The intersectionality of different races and life experiences led to numerous disagreements, and unlike other protests, listing the demands would be no easy task. As a white male, I am in no position to equate my experiences with the voices being heard. As a history major, I am excited to be a part of the galvanization of the masses. Cultures are historically structured with a few success stories at the top, standing on the shoulders of countless lower class workers, farmers, or slaves. For the first time in history, that group can effectively mobilize.
The Women’s March was inclusive of everyone because that is the only way it can truly have an impact. Divisionary tactics have always been one of the strongest weapons against this. When it comes to feminism, we can all implement its tenets, whether we label ourselves a feminist or not. Those with lesser privilege can be heard, and those with more can finally truly listen. However you wish to identify yourself, we are awakening the voices of many generations of civilization that had no social media. After centuries upon centuries of peasants, slaves, and proletariat simply persevering – your ancestors, and mine – we are giving those voices a platform.
It is unfortunate that it took something as traumatic as electing such a divisive figure to the White House. More importantly, the tumultuous nature of politics at this time exposes the deeper flaws more inherent to a capitalist system at odds with globalist collectivism. The never-ending imperialism, the routine of a select few taking advantage of a large group of people, and the ongoing success of those select few cannot persist in a world of growing compassion and intersectionality. As globalism brings us together, oppression and division become archaic.
We will continue to march. It will continue to be messy. There will still be defeats and disagreements. There are no overnight victories. But the story of humanity has been a long history of individual struggles, of countless unheard voices of the everyday people never mentioned in history books. At long last, this is an opportunity for us all to come together to do what humanity does best – persevere.
Egozi, Arielle. “How to tell if the Women’s March is about real feminism – not the safe, trendy kind.” Vox.
Tolentino, Jia. “The Somehow Controversial Women’s March on Washington.” The New Yorker.
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