Leap into the New School Year!

Still dreaming about the beach? It is always hard getting back in the school spirit in September. Everything has changed; the weather, the schedule, the grade, the responsibilities, and maybe even your friends. These changes that happen can be unstoppable, so it is always best to just leap into it with a positive attitude! Testing yourself and your comfort zones can be incredibly rewarding.
To start the new year off, we have some amazing, informative article pieces for you: how to get into a high school co-op program, decorating your dorm, driver test tips, getting back into the school mood, spotting an illegitimate scholarship, how to budget your financial aid, and tons more!
We are currently looking for high school student writers to contribute to JPD- tell us your story! Do you have some advice on co-op programs? Saving money for Post-Secondary? Applying to University? We want to hear your stories and others do, too!
Email me at jpdeditor@magiclanternmedia.com and we will chat about the possibilities.
See you all back here next month!
Erin Lynne Bouman
Content Editor
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