NEADS Event Calendar: September 2017

Organizer: University of Victoria
Title: University of Victoria Graduate Student Orientation
Category: Education
Location: Victoria, British Columbia
Date: September 1, 2017
Web site:
Description: University of Victoria Graduate Student Orientation
Friday, Sept. 1, 2017
If you’re a graduate student new to UVic or new to graduate studies, be sure to participate in our Graduate Student Orientation program. Attend sessions on research methods, scholarship applications and career opportunities while connecting with staff, faculty and students.
◾Discuss topics critical to graduate-student success
◾Network with new and current graduate students
◾Learn about key campus locations and resources
Organizer: Dalhousie University, Mount Saint Vincent University and Saint Mary’s University
Title: Halifax Universities Career Fair
Category: Employment
Location: Halifax, Ontario
Date: September 26, 2017
Web site:
Description: Halifax Universities Career Fair
On Tuesday September 26, 2017, over 1,500 university students and recent graduates will attend Atlantic Canada’s premier recruiting event – the 20th annual Halifax Universities Career Fair.
Organizer: Canadian Human Rights Commission
Title: Beyond Labels 2017 Human Rights Symposium – Ottawa
Category: Education
Location: Ottawa, Ontario
Date: September 27, 2017 – September 28, 2017
Web site:
Description: Beyond Labels – Labels help define us and stay connected to who we are.
Canada’s human rights laws are based on formal grounds, or labels, that define our unique combination of characteristics – our gender, our religion, our disability, our sexual orientation, our race. These labels have been embraced by many as a call to action for groups who claim these identities. Yet more and more, people are rejecting these labels.
During this pivotal year – Canada 150, 40 years of the Canadian Human Rights Act, and the 35th anniversary of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
– we are asking participants: Is it time to focus on what unites us instead of what divides us?
Beyond Labels 2017 Human Rights Symposium will be held in Ottawa at the Shaw Centre from September 27-28.
Organizer: Students For Barrier-Free Access – University of Toronto/The Toronto Research and Action Community Exchange (TRACX)
Title: What’s Left? Countering the Alt Right – University of Toronto
Category: Education
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Date: September 30, 2017
Description: What’s Left? Countering the Alt Right
The Toronto Research and Action Community Exchange (TRACX) is a two part program started by Opirg Toronto to build space for student and community research on social and environmental justice issues. The first component is a research portion. Through this research we work to facilitate connections between campus resources and community organizations working for social change. Through the TRACX program, community organizations can develop research projects useful to their campaigns and long-term strategies while being matched with students interested in completing the research for credit.
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