Grinding and Polishing Worker

Grinding and Polishing Worker

by Susan Huebert
Jobs People Do | JobsPeopleDo.com

Sometimes, the smallest jobs can make a huge difference. Grinding and polishing workers are only a part of what goes into making objects from clay, plastic, metal, wood, or stone. Still, what they do is very important.

When you move your hand over a rough piece of wood, you can easily get a splinter under your skin. Unpolished stone can cut your hand, but a grinding and polishing worker can help. People in this trade work with hand tools like files or small power tools to polish off the edges that might cause problems to the people who use the containers or other objects.

Being a grinding and polishing worker involves more than just rubbing a file or sandpaper against an object. People in this trade might have to read blueprints and mark defects like cracks that need to be repaired. They might work on small surfaces like bowls or large ones like floors. They have to choose the right kind of tool for each job and be able to work with a variety of materials to make them look as good as possible.

Working in this type of job normally involves learning on the job rather than taking courses. Still, taking a course at a trade school in how to use various tools can be useful, and looking for an apprenticeship is also a good idea.

Salaries for grinding and polishing workers start at about $26,000 per year and can rise to about $52,000. The average salary is over $37,000, and the hourly wage is normally $19 once people have some experience.

Some people might be able to stay in this job for many years, but others might find that they need to move on to other work after a few years. Because the job involves working with their hands, many workers might find that it becomes too difficult for them as they get older. Accidents, arthritis, and all kinds of problems might also mean that people in this type of work are unable to continue.

Job prospects for grinding and polishing workers are not as good as they once were. In 2014, the number of jobs declined, and no one is guaranteed a spot. Having a second job option is a good idea for grinding and polishing workers, but they should not feel that their skills are useless. This type of work is very important for making products as beautiful and usable as possible. Whether in construction or in making gravestones or plaques for buildings, people in this field can find many places to use their skills.

In addition, grinding and polishing workers develop many useful skills that they can use in other jobs. The ability to use hand tools is important for many trades, and being able to finish off a job can help others who might not have those skills. If you like to make objects look good by smoothing off the rough edges and making them shine, the job of grinder and polisher might be right for you.


Career Planner.com “Hand Grinding and Polishing Worker.” https://job-descriptions.careerplanner.com/Grinding-and-Polishing-Workers-Hand.cfm

College Grad.com. “Grinding and Polishing Workers.” https://collegegrad.com/careers/grinding-and-polishing-workers.

Neuvoo.ca. “Polisher Salary in Canada.” https://neuvoo.ca/salary/polisher/

Recruiter.com. “Salary for Hand Grinding and Polishing Workers.” https://www.recruiter.com/salaries/grinding-and-polishing-workers-hand-salary/.

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