Published on April, 2018

Career Profile: Aerospace Engineer

April 28th, 2018; By Meghan Brown

Do you dream of building rockets and spaceships that will explore outer space? Or are you more interested in things a little closer to Earth, such as airplanes and helicopters? […]

Career Profile: Anthropologist/Archaeologist

April 28th, 2018; By Meghan Brown

When you look around your house, or walk through your city, do you ever wonder about the people who lived there before you? Are you fascinated with how humans lived […]

Career Profile: Fire Investigator

April 28th, 2018; By Meghan Brown

When there is a fire at a home or business, it is important to learn the cause.  Fire investigators are professionals who are specially trained to examine the site of […]

Financial Aid Available for Post-Secondary Students with Disabilities in British Columbia

April 28th, 2018; By Jingwei Chen

Part of a series of articles on financial aid available for post-secondary students with disabilities, this article will feature what assistance is available specifically to British Columbia students. Information on […]

Federal Financial Aid Available for Post-Secondary Students with Disabilities

April 28th, 2018; By Jingwei Chen

There is no question that paying for post-secondary education is difficult. For students with disabilities, this financial barrier can be exacerbated by costs associated with their own individual needs. This […]

The Art of Talking: A Profile of Radio and Television Announcers

April 28th, 2018; By Anthony Teles

Some people would love to make a living by talking. Being a radio and television announcer might sound exactly like that, but it is much more challenging than simple chit […]

Saving the World One Project at a Time: A Profile of Environmental Engineers

April 28th, 2018; By Anthony Teles

The world is changing at a rate like never before. City populations are getting bigger and technology is more advanced. That has a major impact on the environment. We are […]