Loving February

February can often be referred to as “the month of love”. However, not everyone is a lover of Valentine’s Day and everything that surrounds it- chocolates, flowers, expensive dinners, gifts and cards. Those are the more superficial aspects of Valentine’s Day, of course. Not everyone has someone extra special to share the day with- thus making them feel sad and down. The best thing is that Valentine’s Day can be recreated in your own image. Maybe you can give your parents a gift to show them how much you appreciate them, or maybe a close friend? The idea is for all of us to be a bit kinder to each other. In this month’s issue, we have an article that runs down the inherent commercialism of Valentine’s Day in our Student Life section- be sure to take a peak!
We have more career profiles for you in this issue like High School Teacher, Post-Secondary Agricultural Sciences Teacher, Kindergarten Teacher and Education Administrator. Check out one of our feature articles that runs down different types of jobs that require Interpersonal Skills– always good to know! As usual, we have 10 new Scholarships to apply for with deadlines in February- check out the Financial Aid section.
Have a great month!
Erin Lynne Kelly
Content Editor
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