So, You Want A Job?

So, You Want A Job?

by Alicia Natividad
Jobs People Do | JobsPeopleDo.com

Jobs. They’re one of the first steps towards truly feeling like an adult and many young people start their first job in high school. It’s a great way to not only gain money, but also learn essential skills that will no doubt be an asset later on in life. However, having a job during the school year is not an easy task. This is why many students opt to work only during the summer. Though, if you’re planning on getting a job during the school year, it’s best not to go in blind.

Getting Your First Job

Often, students find that a lack of experience is the main thing preventing them from getting a job. Employers like experience, so how on earth would one go about getting a job without any? Everyone has to start somewhere. If you can’t list work experience on your resume, focus on your skills and qualifications and any volunteer work you might have done. Maybe you’re a hardworking individual who works well under pressure, or you’re extremely involved in your community. Those are some characteristics that will get you hired. Having references will also help. So, if you know any teachers or community leaders who recognize that you’re a good worker, knowing their contact information will be beneficial.

Regardless of how convincing you appear on your resume, you will most likely face rejection. It’s all a part of the process. Applying to lots of different places will increase your chances of being employed. There are plenty of places to find work: fast food chains, grocery stores, and retail stores, to name a few. The key is determination.

Having A Job

Once you have a job, say goodbye to a good chunk of your free time and say hello to time management. Procrastination will definitely not be your friend if you get a job. You need to be disciplined. Having a job in high school means that you have to be able to get your homework and studying done in significantly less time than before. Having any extra curricular activities such as clubs or sports will make this even more difficult. You must be prepared to deal with this; otherwise having a job will end up being more of a burden than an asset.

Moreover, working in general is a task that requires your energy and attention. Customers won’t always be friendly and in these cases, patience is key. Communicating with people who are frustrated with you may be something that you will have to learn how to deal with. Communication in general is extremely important in any kind of job. Know that you will probably make mistakes and that’s completely normal. After all, mistakes are what help us improve.

Getting your paycheck is extremely gratifying. It’s nice to see that all your hard work has quite literally paid off. Though, it’s best not to go too crazy with spending. While the urge to immediately use all the money you’ve earned to treat yourself is understandably strong, it’s not exactly the wisest decision. Rewarding yourself for your hard work is good but it shouldn’t cost you all of your money. Learning how to budget and save money is a skill that people need to practice and it’s best to start when you’re young. Being responsible with money will be beneficial in the future, especially if you plan on doing post-secondary education. Tuition isn’t exactly cheap.

Although tiring, having a job in high school is incredibly satisfying. It makes you feel more responsible and a bit more prepared for the future. First jobs give you some experience in the work place so that when you do pursue a career, you’re not quite out of your depth. Not to mention, it allows you to treat yourself at the end of the day.

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