Taking a Break in March

Spring is so close you can almost smell the flowers in the air! Well… not just yet. However, the anticipation and excitement to walk outside without 7 layers on is endearing. One thing that is very close, is March break. March break is always much needed. Homework, tests and a general icky feeling accumulates over winter time and March break is something all students can look forward to (and teachers). Do you have anything planned for your March break? You don’t always have to have something planned. Sometimes it is better to go with the flow and let the break take you on an unknown journey- even if it only includes surfing Netflix. Whatever you end up doing, don’t let your free time go to waste!
In this month’s issue, I would like to welcome all our new writers! They are coming to us from all over the country and they have some awesome articles for you to read like: living at home during post-secondary, things you can do to help the homeless, the low-down on skipping classes, how to decide whether you want to go to college, and how to handle a part-time job in high school. There are also some NEW Trades career profiles, and a ton of scholarships so keep an eye out for the application dates!
Have a great month!
Erin Kelly
Content Editor
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