Your Disability as an Asset

Your Disability as an Asset

by Anthony Teles
Jobs People Do | JobsPeopleDo.com

The challenges that come about from physical and mental disabilities can be overwhelming. Life is hard for us all. But it is excruciatingly frustrating to struggle with tasks and activities that others can do with ease. Mental health challenges and physical impairments all come with their own unique weaknesses. Yet in every predicament lies opportunities. By finding the positives and strengths that exist within your own unique situation, you can utilize your disability as an asset instead of a hindrance.

Self-confidence is a challenge for many of us. The shadow of a disability lingering over oneself adds another daunting element to that challenge. Consider how you can describe your condition in a way that is simultaneously accurate and positive. This can help brush aside anxieties that come with including mention of your disability on social media, dating profiles, and cover letters. Bring that optimism to every job interview and first date. Nearly four million adults have disabilities that affect their day-to-day lives, and many have succeeded in various careers and ways of life.

When you are honest and positive with colleagues and friends, you enrich the relationships in your life. You can bring your unique life experience to the conversations with friends and the issues you face together. Those with limited physical mobility only need a computer and Internet access to write and edit for school group projects. Others with mental health challenges can have greater empathy and understanding for friends who are struggling. That can mean tackling the role of counsellor for a friend in need of help.

Once you are viewing yourself in a positive light and interacting positively with those around you, your life will continue to be enhanced. As you make your way through this world, numerous people will inevitably dwell on the potential disadvantages to your disability. It is crucial not to internalize that negative energy and let it fester within yourself. The world will benefit from what you have to offer. Assistive devices can help those with visual impairments, who can hone their other senses to focus on work in music, cooking, or radio announcing. People with hearing impairments can use their ability to focus in noisy environments to work in a loud industrial environment. You can raise awareness about your condition through volunteering or through a non-profit organization. When you shift your thinking in a positive direction, you can discover opportunities that you never would have considered otherwise.

We all faces challenges in our lives. A physical or mental disability can significantly add to the challenges we find in looking for work, meeting new people, and building a life. It takes effort and practice to use your disability as an opportunity and an asset. Think positively about yourself, treat others well, and be open to the many prospects around you. The body we are born with comes with its own unique set of benefits and negatives. Your disability is a part of your identity and your own unique story; it shapes your view of the world and how you choose to act. Start making it an asset and build your own path to success and happiness.


Gower, James. “How to use your disability as a strength when applying for jobs.” The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/careers/2015/may/06/how-to-use-your-disability-as-a-strength-when-applying-for-jobs

Trade Schools, Colleges and Universities. “32 Appealing Jobs for People with Disabilities in Canada.” https://www.trade-schools.net/ca/articles/jobs-for-people-with-disabilities.asp

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