A Look at Job Sources for You NOW

Early last April, Carla Qualtrough, the Minister of Public Services and Procurement and Accessibility, announced with the Social Development Partnerships Program–Disability Component (SDPP-D): a total amount of $18 million financial support over the course of three years will be made available for 28 organizations across the country to help Canadians with disabilities to integrate in societies through various activities, including employment.
This is certainly good news as it was not long ago when people of disabilities faced great challenges when it came to their employment needs. According to a 2014 report by Statistics Canada, there were 443,900 unemployed Canadians with disabilities that were fit to work but certain barriers and misapprehensions have prevented them from working. These barriers included physical ones such as lack of accessibility for people with disabilities in buildings.
While there’s still a long way to go, Canada is certainly on the right track to creating a more inclusive work environment for people with disabilities. Here is a look at a few of the nationally available job sources that people with disabilities can connect with for their employment needs:
Job Bank – Government of Canada
One of the top job sources for people with disabilities is the Government of Canada Job Bank website. Here, one can easily sign up for Job Match, then create a profile, making sure to choose the option that they are an individual with disability. Once the profile is created, they can easily get alerts for jobs that match with their skills and qualifications. In addition, the website provides other useful information such as job market reports and details on the Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities where they can acquire employment or self-employment to enhance their economic participation and independence.
Canadian Association for Supported Employment (CASE)
CASE was first introduced to the public in 1999 as an informal network of service providers and stakeholders who are fully committed to include persons with disabilities in the Canadian labour force through the facilitation of increased labour market participation and outcomes. Now, CASE is directed by its membership and a voluntary Board of Directors who represent almost every Canadian region. People with disabilities can connect with a CASE member in their respective area who then will provide them with job search assistance.
Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work (CCRW)
The CCRW is dedicated to providing job seekers with disabilities the tools and confidence to educate and market themselves, as well as promoting awareness for hiring qualified employees with disabilities. While the headquarters are located in the heart of Toronto, CCRW serves Canadians across the country. All one has to do is log onto the website and specify their location and they will be directed to various partnership resources in their area for job opportunities. Via the Job Accommodation Service or JAS, the CCRW also provides workplace accommodation assessments, presentations and workshops, and consulting services for employers to learn more about eliminating barriers – both individual and systemic – in the workplace by offering practical workplace accommodation solutions and advice. Job seekers can also go directly to CCRW’s partner, Work Ink (https://www.workink.com/) for job postings and get their online applications started.
Bender Consulting Services
While this organization’s main office is located in Pittsburgh, PA in the United States, it has a good presence across Canada as well. The organization has a database of over 27,000 candidates with disabilities seeking professional career opportunities which they match with their network of thousands of disability and academic institution partners. In addition, Bender also offers talent programs, training, consulting, and software solutions that focus on disability employment and inclusion value.
Now that you’ve learned about these sources to help you find the employment opportunity that best fits you, it’s time to get started on the resume and cover letter! Our website also has several articles about these items. Happy job hunting!
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