October 2019 Scholarships: Apply Now!

Rapid Access Scholarship
Amount: up to $1000
Deadline: October 1st and March 20th, 2019
Category: Volunteerism
Address: https://www.rapidaccesstomedicalspecialists.ca/scholarships
Study and Go Abroad Fall Frenzy Contest – $1000 Apple Gift Card Giveaway
Amount: $1,000
Provided by: Study and Go Abroad Fairs
Deadline: October 06, 2019
Donor Study and Go Abroad Fairs
Renewable: No
Number Available: 1
Type of Award: Contest
Automatic Consideration: No
Address: https://www.studyandgoabroad.com/contest/
Horatio Alger Canadian Scholarships
Amount: $5,000
Provided by: Horatio Alger Association of Canada
Deadline: October 25, 2019
Donor: Horatio Alger Association of Canada
Renewable: Yes, 5 year(s)
Number Available: 160
Type of Award: Bursary
Automatic Consideration: No
Address: https://horatioalger.ca/en/scholarships/
Pretty Actions Scholarship Program
Scholarship Value: $500
Awards Available: 2
Award Deadline: October 15, 2019
Address: https://www.photoshopactions.com/pages/pretty-photoshop-actions-scholarship-program
Helpjuice Scholarship
Scholarship Value: $1,400
Awards Available: 2
Award Deadline: October 21, 2019
Address: https://helpjuice.com/scholarship
TD Community Leader Scholarship
Awards: 2 scholarships for each region/Province in Canada
Value: Up to $70,000 per scholarship rewarded
Award deadline: Open until November 15th, 2019
Address: https://portal.scholarshippartners.ca/welcome/td_en/
More information on scholarship: https://www.td.com/ca/en/personal-banking/solutions/student-banking/community-leadership-scholarship-for-canadians/?&cm_sp=GOOGLE:MEFALL:p24732979898&gclid=Cj0KCQjwzozsBRCNARIsAEM9kBNlfHQJc68o-Kg17MwUozkeWlzsK0fp4istf1VLNwPYLqCMjZ9V4gwaAlIdEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
Women Divers Hall of Fame Scholarships
Amount: $1000-$2000
Category: Community leadership
Deadline: October 31, 2019 midnight
Address: http://www.wdhof.org/scholarshipApp.aspx
The Magna Carta Scholarship
Amount: $1500
Category: Essay written in English
Deadline: October 31, 2019
Address: https://www.jccf.ca/essaycontest/
Thinking ahead…
10 Words or Less Scholarship
Scholarship Value: $500
Awards Available: 1
Award Deadline: November 30, 2019
Address: https://studentscholarships.org/easy.php#sthash.juVqwe7G.dpbs
Burger King Scholars Program
Scholarship Value: $50,000
Awards Available: 10
Award Deadline: December 15, 2019
Address: https://burgerking.scholarsapply.org/information.php
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