5 Quirky Games that Equal Fun while Being Safe and Healthy

This novel 2019 coronavirus has truly established how important it is to maintain good hygiene and keep to ideal eating habits- something we all should keep in mind even when things get back to normal. In the long run, these two things will benefit us immensely and we will be able to protect ourselves better over illnesses or ailments that threaten our health.
However, one thing we probably would do away with is quarantine. As the season in Canada was transitioning from winter to spring before the pandemic hit, we certainly can’t be blamed if we wanted to immerse ourselves in the lovely spring weather. However, as the number of cases continues to surge even well into spring, we should think of ways to enjoy yourselves while being safe and healthy within the four corners of our homes. Thankfully, these fun and quirky indoor games will allow us to do that.
Go Bananas
The title alone should be enough to get you excited. In this game, players must build their mini-crossword by using the letter tiles from the banana bag. The player who uses up all of their letters is the winner. While it’s similar to Scrabble because you’re forming words and a logophile will have the advantage, in Go Bananas, the winner gets to yell out “Bananas!” And that’s more fun than a Triple Word Score, isn’t it?
Honey Bee Tree Board Game
Don’t worry, there are no real bees involved in this game nor is Winnie the Pooh (which is bad news for those who are fans of the well-love literary character), but you can treat yourself to honey candies if you have them ready. The way this game works is that players get to choose their flower trays (which are numbered so the players have their designated flower tray) and then pull leaves out of the honey tree while making sure that the bees won’t tumble out. The game is over when all the leaves have been taken out, and the player with the least number of bees in their flower tray is the winner.
Mouse Trap Game
No real mouse in this game, so again, no worries! So put down those mouse traps and refrain from dialing the exterminator. It does help to think like a mouse when you play this game because the objective is to collect cheese and steal chess from the other players while making sure you don’t get trapped! Yes, this game comes with a working multi-part machine where you can hone your construction skills. Have a bowl of cheese snacks ready and you’ll surely enjoy this game more.
Around the World in 80 Days
Since we can’t go any farther than our homes these days, we have to fight the urge to get the travel bug. Good thing though this game will give us a good idea where to go when we are free to travel again (or explore what’s beyond our house, at least). The purpose of the game is to explore as many countries as you can and if you can go around the world the fastest then you’re the winner! For sure, it’s something we are all raring to do once the travel ban is lifted.
Wooden Puzzles
Jigsaw puzzles sales experienced a spike because of quarantine orders, and one company takes it to another level by offering wooden puzzles that come in a variety of designs, from animals and nature to seasonal. Yes, puzzles are cool again. If you’re really up for a challenge though, then you can go for their uniquely themed puzzles such as Shelf Life and The Collector’s Cupboard. And just a heads up, if you can’t tell by the titles, they’re definitely not for jigsaw puzzle beginners, so get ready!
This time of COVID-19 doesn’t have to be joyless and lifeless. You can bring an energetic flair to your quarantined life by playing the quirky games suggested above. Enjoy!
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