Mind-Body-Soul; How to Keep Your Spirits Up

Ever since the World Health Organization declared the new COVID-19 outbreak to be a global pandemic, businesses have been closing down and worries may have increased. It is important to remember to take care of yourself, especially during this time. When taking care of yourself, three things should be kept in mind: your mind, your body, and your “soul”. The health and wellness of all three should be cared for and balanced.
- Put your mind at ease
During this time of stress, you should remember to rest your mind. There are several things you could do to ease your mind.
You could turn off your phone or leave it in another room. Your phone gives you so much access to news from all over the world. It can be mentally draining. You do not need to read every single headline about the pandemic. This can cause unnecessary anxiety, sleeping problems, and maybe even eye disorders. Help out your mind and disconnect from the web for a while.
Another option is meditating. Meditation has been around for thousands of years in many cultures and religions. Meditation can help with sleep, lowering blood pressure, and help with age-related memory loss. A simple 10-15 minute meditation session can really help center you. There are guides online to help you through your meditation if needed.
You could also keep a journal to document your thoughts and emotions. It is a good way to express yourself, especially during this rough time. You can write in your journal daily. Write whatever you may be thinking or feeling and don’t worry if it does not make any sense!
- Engage in physical activity
Recently, the gyms have closed due to the pandemic. For this reason, some people may not have as much motivation to exercise. Exercising is very important and should be done, even if you do not have access to a gym.
Exercising could be done right outside your house. You could also go for a walk or run around the block. If you do go outside to exercise, keep in mind to be cautious when coming in contact with other people.
Another option is to simply exercise indoors. You could watch videos online and follow along. A tip is to use household items as weights if needed! Walking around your home is also beneficial.
- Eat healthy meals
Since we are at home, it is much easier for us to eat all of our quarantine snacks in one sitting.
If you enjoy cooking or would like to learn how to cook, there are several healthy meals out there for you to make. You could find recipes online. If you’re courageous enough, you could even create your own recipe.
If you do not feel like cooking your own meals you could always support your local restaurants. When making your order, be sure to pick healthier options, but you can treat yourself every once in a while!
- Find a New Hobby
Recently, many of us have had a lot of free time. During this free time, you could find a new hobby.
The number of hobbies out there is endless! You could learn a new language, learn how to sew, bake, and more!
- Communicate with friends and family
Just because you are social distancing, does not mean that there is no other way to communicate with others. Humans need to socialize.
If you are quarantined with others, find a way to build your relationship with them. It is nice to be able to bond with the people you live with.
If you are quarantined on your own or you just want to talk to other people, you can simply call, text, or video chat. Catch up with someone you haven’t talked to in a while!
These simple things help you keep your mind, body, and soul healthy. Take care of yourself this quarantine! Stay safe and stay healthy!
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