Still at a Lost about COVID-19? These Resources Have You Covered

With cases of COVID-19 infections on the rise again both in Canada and worldwide, the more there is a need for reliable and credible sources about the pandemic. This is a time when we should double our efforts to curb the spread of misinformation, and a good start is obtaining our information only from trustworthy resources. At the same time, we must keep our eyes and ears peeled for any updates about the virus, especially about vaccination news. Arming ourselves with accurate information is our defense to fighting this virus that has massively changed our way of life. Below is a list of resources to keep you well-informed:
Before looking anywhere else, it’s best to look in your backyard first, as they commonly say, and the most ideal way to do that is to log into Canada’s CBC News website. This site provides the latest statistics per province and territory within Canada and gives an overall look at what’s happening elsewhere around the world.
Public Health Agency of Canada
Another great example of looking into our own backyard is the Public Health Agency of Canada’s website. Here, you can find access to different services, support, and information about the virus and updates about the disease. This site also provides the COVID alert app which will notify you if you had been within the proximity of a confirmed positive COVID case. If you’re wondering if you have been exposed to the virus, you can take a self-assessment using the site and it will give you a good idea of the next steps to take.
John Hopkins University & Medicine
Now if you want to know more about the spread of the disease on a global scale, there’s no better resource that the John Hopkins University & Medicine website. This gives you a real-time dashboard indicating the latest numbers for COVID-19 cases, deaths, recoveries, and more, and they are arranged by country and/or state and province. It looks at the big picture, so to speak, which might be terrifying to see.
End Coronavirus
This website is an international volunteer coalition consisting of over 4,000 scientists, community organizers, business owners, and caring citizens alike who are determined to develop effective, community-based solutions to put an end to the pandemic. The site shows graphic representations of countries who are successfully conquering the virus and those who need to work on it more. As of October 18, Canada is listed under one of the countries that need to take action, and that’s accurate.
Some Good News
It might not be a resource about the disease, but this website was created to spread positivity during these dire times of COVID. In this bleak period, we all need a break from COVID-related news, and this is one of the best ways to do that. Reading about these positive stories around the world will remind us that there’s still good in the world, and we have to remain hopeful that we will conquer this disease. The site was initially a YouTube channel founded by Modern Renaissance Man John Krasinski and has since moved on as a Facebook page (the YouTube channel is on a hiatus at the moment). The page is full of heartwarming stories, so keep a Kleenex handy.
Now that you know these must-visit sites during these dark COVID times, we wish you happy browsing!
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