Why Should You Do Something That Scares...

Why Should You Do Something That Scares You a Little?

by Linda Mendes
Jobs People Do | JobsPeopleDo.com

You have probably heard the saying “face your fears” several times in your life. To achieve your dreams, you will need to get past any fears. When afraid we can respond with fight, flight, or freeze. How we respond to fear is very important. If it is safe, it is important to learn how to tackle your fears. Do something that scares you a little. Start small then work your way up to something bigger.

Here are five reasons why you should try something that scares you a little:

Our Dreams Never Die

We all have dreams. Sometimes our fears get in the way of achieving those dreams. Just because we are afraid of things that keep us from having our dreams come true, doesn’t mean that our dreams just disappear. They will stay in the back of our minds reminding us that it is still not achieved. If we don’t try to get past our fears, we won’t be able to achieve that dream.

Grow as a Person and Gain New Experiences

Fears exist to protect us. It can also hold us back from certain events that help us grow as a person and experience new things. By doing new things, you can gain a new perspective on yourself, others, and the world.

Scary Things in Life Aren’t Always as Scary as You May Think

Were you ever afraid of something and as time went by, you noticed that it isn’t as scary as it once seemed? Maybe you were afraid of the monsters on TV as a child and as you grew older you realized that there was nothing to be afraid of. Our imaginations are capable of making things appear much scarier than they are. The more you do things that scare you, the easier and less scary they’ll be.

Live a Life With No Regrets

Don’t wait until it is too late to do what you want to do just because you gave fear the power. When you are no longer able to do that certain thing anymore, you may have to deal with regret. Regret is a terrible feeling. It doesn’t feel good when you look back at certain memories and all you can wonder is “what if?”. You can avoid having that thought by not listening to fear. When you listen to fear, you are giving it power.

You Can’t Succeed Without Failing

It is common for people to have a fear of failure. The thing people forget is that without failing you can’t succeed. Failure helps us grow and learn what is it that we need or don’t need to do the next time. Without failure, we can’t learn how to improve for us to succeed.

Sometimes fear makes us do the opposite of the things that are best for us. Don’t let fear drag you down. If you ever need some motivation, remember this quote by Eleanor Roosevelt:

“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.’ You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”






Why You Should Do Something That Scares You


There Is No Success without Failure: 6 Reasons to Do the Things That Scare You

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