Sharing Personal Data Online

Sharing Personal Data Online

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Jobs People Do | JobsPeopleDo.com

By Maryam Sheikh

The Internet is a wonderful yet dangerous place. It gives us unlimited access to content and information. It serves as a tool that helps keep us informed and entertained. However, while there are many benefits of engaging with content and platforms, there are dangers as well.

Social media is where you will likely find most teens. People use various apps and websites to share their passions, hobbies, and interests. Moreover, people use the Web to keep in touch with others. However, the Internet can also be home to unwanted strangers and interactions. Therefore, it’s integral to use it responsibly to allow for positive experiences.

First of all – keep a close eye on your social circle online! Use privacy settings to restrict access to your online profiles; this can keep you safe. Engage with your family and friends and be wary of people you have never heard of or is twice your age. Keep in mind that once something is on the Internet, it contributes to your online footprint. Be mindful of which information you want to be associated with. Think twice before posting pictures and comments. As a rule of thumb, don’t ever go online and post something on an impulse- especially if you are upset or angry. You don’t want to harm anyone or say something you cannot take back. Instead, take a moment to cool off, collect your thoughts, and do something that doesn’t require your phone.

Also- think ahead! Consider what type of information will come up if a future employer or school searches you up on Google. You want your online image to be an authentic reflection of your character, so just like you would model good behaviour in person, do the same online!

Don’t share your passwords! You should trust your friends, but not with your passwords. You don’t want your private circle to get bigger without you knowing or approving of it. Change your passwords occasionally to help prevent hacking. When posting on public platforms, try not to publicize information like your full name, age, address, city of residence, or school. It’s better to be safe than sorry especially when you don’t know who can gain access to your information.

With lots of scams circulating around, it’s important to remember not to open messages or links from unfamiliar people. When online shopping, use reliable websites and don’t share sensitive information (eg. credit card information). When in doubt, speak to someone you trust. It is always beneficial to have someone to navigate an unfamiliar situation with.

Keeping that in mind- foster open communication with your parents/guardians/adults you trust. If you are being bullied or harassed online, step away from the situation and ask for help. Block users who make you feel unhappy or uncomfortable.

Your mental health matters! The Internet and social media can be stressful and overwhelming places. Feel free to take breaks from the online world. If you feel yourself spending hours on your devices and feeling worse than better, that might be a sign that it’s time to step away from the screen and engage with people in real life. Surrounding yourself with positive energy is one of the kindest things you can do for yourself. Safe surfing!

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