Careers & Jobs That Keep You Close to Nature (French version available)

Do you enjoy spending time in nature? Are you curious about which jobs or careers keep you close to nature? If so, the following are a few jobs and careers that may interest you, along with a short description of each. If any of these jobs interest you, do not hesitate to research them some more!
Marine Biologist
Marine biologists study the ocean and its relationship with the many organisms living within it. This includes coral reefs. They collect specimens and examine them, and conduct experiments in laboratories.
Park Ranger
Park rangers manage parks. These parks could be local parks or even national parks. They are responsible for protecting the wildlife in the park as well as those that are visiting. Park rangers also give tours and guide people throughout the park. They show the many beautiful parts of the park during their tours. A majority of their day is spent outside in nature.
Nature Photographer
Nature photographers do exactly what it sounds like. They are photographers who observe and photograph nature without disrupting it. They often travel and spend their time outdoors in nature. Their photos can be used for educational purposes or just to show off the beautiful environment.
Wildlife Biologist
Wildlife biologists study wildlife and different animals to understand how they interact with their environment. They study animals’ physical characteristics and behaviours. They also research the impact humans have on wildlife and their natural habitats. Wildlife biologists collect specimens to later analyze in laboratories.
Environmental Geologist
Environmental geologists research solutions to issues in the environment. They closely observe and study floods, earthquakes, pollution, and natural hazards. Human interactions with the Earth are also studied. Environmental geologists have to collect samples of soil and rock, conduct surveys, and record information from reports.
Agriculture and Food Scientists
Agriculture and food scientists look into crops and farm animals. They find ways to improve the safety and quality of our food. This could be by developing better methods to process, package, and deliver food in ways that won’t negatively affect our health.
Conservation Scientist
Conservation scientists work with farmers, foresters and mining companies to determine the safest way to extract natural resources from the Earth without causing damage to the environment. They also analyze damaged forests, usually caused by forest fires and the area’s soil quality.
Meteorologists study the weather. They look into how the weather changes and how it affects everyone on Earth. They spend time in nature collecting data and afterwards analyze the data to understand the weather.
Wildlife Forensics Specialist
Wildlife forensics specialists are scientists who investigate wildlife crimes. They collect evidence from animals and their environment to later investigate in laboratories. The evidence collected and examined will help identify crimes that were committed.
Environmental Engineer
Environmental engineers use their engineering principles, biology, chemistry, and soil science to evaluate and find solutions to environmental problems. They can work on improving recycling, waste disposal, controlling air pollution, and even climate change. Environmental engineers are often consulted to advise agencies on procedures to clean up contaminated areas.
CareerExplorer. “What does a conservation scientist do?”
CareerExplorer. “What does a geologist do?”
Environmental Science. “What is a Wildlife Forensics Specialist?”
Kolmar, Chris. “10 Best Jobs for People Who Love Nature.” Zippia.
NewScientist. “What Does a Marine Biologist Do?”
Renzulli, Kerri Anne. “15 high-paying jobs for people who love to be outside.” CNBC.
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