Author's articles

The Benefits of Traveling (French version available)

October 2nd, 2022; By Linda Mendes

Traveling can be fun, but it is also very beneficial. It is good for your mind as well as your body. You don’t have to travel far or for too […]

Les avantages et les inconvénients de lancer une entreprise avec un ami

June 2nd, 2022; By Linda Mendes

Lancer une entreprise avec un ami peut sembler une idée amusante et passionnante. Bien que ce soit une bonne idée, cela comporte aussi des inconvénients. Si vous vous demandez si […]

The Pros and Cons of Starting a Business with a Friend (French version available)

June 1st, 2022; By Linda Mendes

Starting a business with a friend may seem like a fun and exciting idea. Although it may be a great idea, it also has its disadvantages. If you are curious […]

The Health Benefits of Swimming and Tips for Practicing Swimming (French version available)

June 1st, 2022; By Linda Mendes

Swimming is an activity that people of all ages can do. It has many health benefits and it is great for your body as well as your mind.  If you […]

Les avantages de s’étirer régulièrement et d’en faire une habitude

May 8th, 2022; By Linda Mendes

S’étirer régulièrement a plusieurs avantages. C’est une bonne habitude saine. Si vous souhaitez en connaître les avantages et en faire une habitude, cet article est juste pour vous ! Que […]

Don’t Put Your Eggs in One Basket: The Pros and Cons of Juggling Two Jobs

May 2nd, 2022; By Linda Mendes

Juggling two jobs may not be the easiest thing but it can be beneficial. Some people may be able to handle it, while others may not. If you are considering […]

The Benefits of Stretching Regularly and How to Make It a Habit (French version available)

May 2nd, 2022; By Linda Mendes

Stretching regularly has several benefits. It is a great and healthy habit to have. If you’re interested in the benefits of stretching regularly and how to make stretching a habit, […]