Author's articles

How Can Anger Tell a Bigger Story About You; What is Hidden Underneath?

November 29th, 2020; By Linda Mendes

We all know what anger is and what it feels like. Although we all know what anger is and may know some of our triggers, you may not know that […]

Why Should You Do Something That Scares You a Little?

October 31st, 2020; By Linda Mendes

You have probably heard the saying “face your fears” several times in your life. To achieve your dreams, you will need to get past any fears. When afraid we can […]

Time to Think About Winter!

October 31st, 2020; By Linda Mendes

 When you think about the winter season, you might think about the cold weather and it’s shorter and darker days. During this season, it is very important to remember that […]

Peut-on prendre une année sabbatique ?

October 4th, 2020; By Linda Mendes

Beaucoup d’étudiants se demandent si c’est correct de prendre une année sabbatique. La réponse est oui ! C’est tout à fait correct de le faire avant les études postsecondaires. Vous […]

Bien entamer sa journée

October 4th, 2020; By Linda Mendes

Votre journée peut commencer de différentes façons. Elle peut démarrer de manière trépidante et stressante ou lente et douce. Votre matin devient ce que vous en faites. Vous n’avez pas […]

Is Taking a Gap Year Before Post-Secondary Okay?

October 1st, 2020; By Linda Mendes

Many students wonder if taking a gap year is okay. The answer to that is yes! It is perfectly okay to take a gap year before Post-Secondary. You have been […]

How to Get a Great Start to the Day

October 1st, 2020; By Linda Mendes

Your days can begin in several different ways. It can begin fast-paced and stressful, or even slow and calm. Your mornings depend on you. You don’t have to rush your […]