Author's articles

L’importance du sommeil

March 3rd, 2020; By Linda Mendes

Dormir suffisamment est très important pour la santé et le bien-être. C’est aussi essentiel que l’exercice et bien manger. Certaines personnes ne dorment pas assez parce qu’elles sont très occupées. […]

The Life Saving Benefits of Resting

February 29th, 2020; By Linda Mendes

Getting enough sleep is very important for one’s health and well-being. It is just as important as exercising and maintaining a healthy diet. Several people do not get enough sleep […]

Can Learning a Second Language Benefit One’s Work?

February 2nd, 2020; By Linda Mendes

 Being able to speak a second, or multiple languages can be very helpful when it comes to finding jobs. It gives the person and the company they work for the […]

Which Comes First: Money or Happiness?

January 5th, 2020; By Linda Mendes

You’ve probably heard the saying “money can’t buy happiness”. Some agree with that saying and others do not. Different people have different views and opinions. If you really think about […]

Médecines parallèles

October 2nd, 2019; By Linda Mendes

Les médecines parallèles sont des traitements médicaux qui peuvent être utilisés à la place du traitement courant que vous recevez dans un hôpital ou une clinique. La plupart des gens […]

The Use of Technology in Our Daily Lives

May 25th, 2019; By Linda Mendes

The use of technology can be a very controversial topic. Some people do not believe that it does any good in our daily lives, while others believe that with new […]

Qu’est-ce que l’identité de genre ?

April 30th, 2019; By Linda Mendes

Certaines personnes s’identifient au genre qu’ils ont à la naissance, d’autres non. Si quelqu’un ne s’identifie pas avec son genre attribué, c’est parfaitement correct. L’identité de genre est ce qu’on […]