Author's articles

Reminders on How to Make the Most Out of Thrift Store Shopping

November 1st, 2021; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan

For most of us, our fashion and style are a way to express ourselves and make an impression on others. However, you don’t have to blow off your college fund […]

La filière du spectacle se remettra-t-elle de la COVID-19 ?

February 28th, 2021; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan

L’année dernière, au printemps, lorsque les restrictions établies pour contrer le nouveau coronavirus ont été rallongées, il est devenu évident que la prochaine saison estivale n’allait pas se passer comme […]

Voilà le soleil : comment gérer la déprime hivernale

February 28th, 2021; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan

C’est votre semaine d’études, mais on vous a demandé de faire des heures supplémentaires à votre emploi à temps partiel, parce que l’un de vos collègues est entré en contact […]

Gagner un revenu tout en travaillant et en étudiant de la maison

February 28th, 2021; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan

La pandémie a eu des effets sur la vie de tous, mais encore plus sur celle des étudiants qui ont dû s’adapter rapidement à l’enseignement virtuel à cause des dispositions […]

Will the Entertainment Industry Bounce Back after COVID-19?

February 27th, 2021; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan

In Spring last year when the novel coronavirus-induced constraints were in place for longer and longer, it became apparent that the upcoming summer season was not going to be like […]

What’s in Store for Job Hunters in 2021 – The Jobs that Are in High Demand

February 27th, 2021; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan

The Canadian labour market has undoubtedly been negatively impacted by the pandemic. The rising number of cases and increased restrictions caused the country to lose 213,000 jobs at the beginning […]

Strengthening Support Systems for Individuals with Disabilities during COVID-19

February 27th, 2021; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan

The pandemic has had drastic effects on practically every aspect of our lives – more so on our financial situations. According to a survey done by FP Canada, 41 per […]