June 17th, 2018; By Susan Huebert
Tout le monde a besoin d’aide, à certains moments. Le forage du pétrole et du gaz est une tâche complexe, et les travailleurs de ce domaine ont besoin de toutes […]
June 17th, 2018; By Susan Huebert
Imaginez vivre dans une maison sans toit. La pluie et la neige y entreraient et il serait impossible de la garder chauffée en hiver, et fraîche en été. Les couvreurs […]
June 17th, 2018; By Susan Huebert
Lorsque les enfants sont petits, ils ont besoin d’aide pour traverser la rue, mais parfois même les adultes ont aussi besoin d’aide. Le brigadier travaille dans toutes sortes d’endroits pour […]
June 3rd, 2018; By Susan Huebert
Some people love to be outside, enjoying the fresh air. Are you one of them? Imagine a job where you could be outside for most of the day, helping people […]
June 3rd, 2018; By Susan Huebert
When children are young, they need help with crossing the street, but sometimes even adults need help. Crossing guards work in all kinds of places to help people get where […]
June 3rd, 2018; By Susan Huebert
Imagine what it would be like to live in a place with no roof. Rain and snow would come in, and it would be impossible to keep the house warm […]
June 3rd, 2018; By Susan Huebert
Everyone needs help at times. Drilling for oil and gas is a complicated task, and people in this field can use all kinds of help. For getting pipes into or […]