«Advice» column

Body Image Issues? You Aren’t Alone

May 30th, 2014; By Christopher TJ Brown

In most cases a distorted view of body image has been presented by the media and simplified with male and female stereotypes. Men are all portrayed as tall, muscular and […]

Transitioning to University Life

May 14th, 2014; By Christopher TJ Brown

The idea of going off to college or university sends shivers of anxiety down spines and churns stomachs. Don’t worry – this is normal. It’s a big step moving from […]

“Sine” Me Up: Why Math is Your Friend

April 30th, 2014; By Teodora Pasca

Mathematics is the pariah of school subjects—dismissed as mind-numbing, tedious and often impossible to grasp, it is frequently looked down upon in schools, in pop culture and among the general […]

Networking to Land a Career

April 30th, 2014; By Susan Huebert

When people get together to meet and talk, they sometimes learn a lot about each other. At family gatherings, people might find out about what their cousins or aunts and […]

Club Counselling: How Extracurriculars Can Help You Succeed

April 30th, 2014; By Teodora Pasca

I’ve always been someone who is eager to get involved. Academics are extremely important to me, but upon entering high school I started to realize the value in expanding my […]

Following Your Heart Into the Trades

April 29th, 2014; By Christopher TJ Brown

Sometimes it might feel like you’re pressured to have your entire future planned out already. This is a false misconception, especially with the rapid way education and workforce demands are […]

Allow Yourself to Dream

April 29th, 2014; By Nadia Harris

Life can be hard. Sometimes things can go so wrong that it seems like they’ll never be right again. It is in those moments that we may lose hope, that […]