«Elementary» column

Anger: The Unexpected Storyteller

November 26th, 2020; By Elora Pharai

Anger is arguably one of, if not the most complex of human emotions. It acts as an instinctive response to many different situations, whether it be something simple like receiving […]

Being Brave in Times of Distress – What A Hero Really is in Real Life

November 13th, 2020; By Alona Fiandaca

How do you define bravery? How do you define distress? What is a Hero? All of these questions really shape us into who we are. With these questions, we try […]

Getting Rid of MATH FEAR!

October 31st, 2020; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan

By Rochelle C. P. Picture this: you’re doing prep for a socially distanced surprise birthday party for your best friend, and you’re in charge of the birthday cake. You want […]

Why Should You Do Something That Scares You a Little?

October 31st, 2020; By Linda Mendes

You have probably heard the saying “face your fears” several times in your life. To achieve your dreams, you will need to get past any fears. When afraid we can […]

Scouting Out the STEAM World

October 31st, 2020; By author below

By Maryam Sheikh As our society progresses and advances into a more STEM-focused world, new jobs and career opportunities are popping up for the future generation to pursue. STEM emphasizes […]

Different Houseplants for Your Home

October 29th, 2020; By Anthony Teles

Sitting in a park often feels so much nicer than sitting at home. There are different reasons for this, but there is one easy way to bring a bit of […]

Career Profile: Pest Control Worker

October 29th, 2020; By Susan Huebert

No one likes to have cockroaches or other pests at home or in their workplace. Getting rid of them can be difficult, but experts can help. The job of pest […]