Student Life

How You Can Help the Environment Right Away

by Anthony Teles

Climate change is the biggest problem we face in the 21st century. There is a lot of news about the effect it will have on the planet in the near […]

3 Students Have Suggestions Adaptive Technology for Visually Impaired Central Ontario Leadership Seminars Promo Video Checking University applications Do Your Labs on Time Don't Delay Post Secondary Focus on Jobs When Choosing Courses Get Involved Importance of Schooling Know Whats Going On Practical Knowledge in College Rachelle Neuroscience Taking a Year Off to Train for the Circus Time Off Exchange Program Use Your TAs What I would tell my younger self

Finding Variety and Balance in the Gig Economy

by Anthony Teles

The world of work is changing. Modern technology has allowed for far greater accessibility and the ability to work remotely. Our rapidly changing civilization also has less job security; the […]

Career Profile: Post-Secondary Agricultural Sciences Teacher

by Susan Huebert

Farming is a very important job, whether people grow food or other crops for clothing or other products. Growing a few tomato or raspberry plants can be hard, but keeping […]

Getting Your required 40 Hours of Volunteering.

by Bel Harris

When it comes to the mandatory hours of community service or volunteer service you will be asked to complete as a high school student, here are some things to consider. […]

Being Busy Isn’t Always a Good Thing: Why It Pays to Take a Breather

by Rochelle C. Pangilinan

These days, we take pride in keeping ourselves occupied with school, work, and social life and making sure we tick the checkboxes for all our daily tasks. Attend soccer practice? […]

Memorizing vs. Understanding: Knowing the Distinctions between the Two

by Rochelle C. Pangilinan

For all students, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed when there is a ton of schoolwork to complete and tons of exams to prepare for. Sometimes, when getting ready for a […]