
Aperçu sur la carrière de carrossier

by Susan Huebert

Les voitures, les camions et autres véhicules semblent très solides, mais ils peuvent s’endommager facilement et se détériorer. L’eau de pluie ou de neige rouille le métal et les accidents […]

Aptitude : la mémoire

by Susan Huebert

La mémoire est une aptitude singulière, mais naturelle. Vous pouvez me souvenir de ce que vous avez fait il y a cinq ans, mais oublier ce qui s’est passé il […]

November Prep

by Erin Kelly

As I sit here this Halloween night, the rain is pouring and the cold chill of Winter is creeping in. The purgatory we find ourselves in before winter is odd […]

How to Improve Your Math Skills in School

by Marianne Stephens

Math is not everybody’s favourite subject. So if it’s like that for you, you are not alone. However, you may find yourself struggling with it, especially high school Math. There […]

Career Profile: Restoration Mason

by Susan Huebert

Suppose that you made a birdhouse or a wooden cart that started to fall apart. Would you fix the problem, or would you start all over again? If you prefer […]

Extracurricular Activities That Lead to Jobs During High School

by Alexa Cairns

School clubs are an amazing way to get involved and gain life experience, learn, and lead into jobs in the future. By taking part in these clubs and teams, you […]