
Maintenir sa motivation pendant l’hiver en temps de pandémie

by Elora Pharai

Avec le ciel gris et le temps froid, l’hiver peut devenir une période morose pour beaucoup d’entre nous. L’hiver arrive à un moment spécial de l’année ; si vous êtes […]

What Is British Columbia’s Upcoming “Family Connections Hubs” System?

by Sarah Leung

The Current Issues for Children with Disabilities in B.C. Approximately 30,000 children with disabilities across British Columbia are accessing aids. However, this number does not reflect the flaws of the current […]

Helpful Tips for Losing Weight Gained During the Covid-19 Pandemic or the Holidays

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By Hareem Ahmad The Covid-19 pandemic has not been particularly kind to fitness enthusiasts. Keeping people inside their homes while closing gyms due to safety concerns is a recipe for […]

Career Profile: Commercial Artists

by Susan Huebert

Artists are known for their creativity, such as paintings or sculptures in galleries and on people’s walls. However, commercial artists are different. They work in a variety of industries, using […]

Améliorer son estime de soi et se voir sous un meilleur jour

by Linda Mendes

L’estime de soi est l’opinion que l’on a de soi-même et de ses capacités. L’estime de soi peut être bonne, mauvaise ou au centre et peut changer très souvent. Avoir […]

Tips for Prospective International Students Moving and Studying in Canada

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By Selina If you are thinking of studying abroad at the elementary or secondary school level in Canada, or if you are a parent and planning to move to Canada […]