Scholarships in the Trades

When you finish high school, you will have many decisions to make. Should you go to university or trade school, or maybe just start to work right away? If you decide that you want to get into a trade and become an electrician, hair stylist, or metalworker, you might already be wondering how you are going to pay for your studies. Going to trade school can be very expensive, but one option is to look for a scholarship that can help pay for your studies.
Many people have heard of scholarships for people who are very good in sports or who have high marks in academic subjects like science or mathematics. However, scholarships are also available for people who want to study in the trades. Some of these scholarships might come from the government or specific schools, but many of them also come from businesses and other groups that are interested in helping people learn their trades. You just need to know where to look.
When you begin your search for money to help pay your tuition, a good place to check is on government websites that deal with grants, bursaries, and scholarships. Normally, grants and bursaries are based on financial need or special projects, and scholarships are based on high marks, but sometimes money is also available for other reasons, such as a physical disability.
For the trades, apprenticeship grants are good places to start. Many places offer grants for people who want to get into apprenticeships, and sometimes this help can add up to a lot of money. If your program includes an apprenticeship or you want to do one for your own benefit, this could be a good option.
Another good place to check is with companies where you might want to work someday, since many of these businesses offer help for students. Suppose that you wanted to work in the oil and gas industry. You could check with the oil companies in your area for scholarships. By getting to know some of the people in that company, you might help yourself find work after you finish your program.
Many other organizations also give grants, scholarships, and bursaries. Community organizations like Girl Guides, Boy Scouts, or environmental organizations give scholarships which are likely tied to a particular activity or program. Even if you have to volunteer with the organization to qualify for financial help, it could be worth the effort.
Finding scholarships, grants, or bursaries can take time, and you might think that the effort is not worth the trouble. However, if you can save a few thousand or even a few hundred dollars while you are studying, it can add up to a large amount of money for you to save for other purposes, like paying for food. If you want to get into the trades, why not start looking for financial help now?
Alberta Advanced Education. “Scholarships.”
CanLearn. “Canada Student Grants.”
Jobworks Adult Learning Centre. “Websites Offering Scholarships, Bursaries, etc…”
New “What are Scholarships, Grants and Bursaries?”
Service Canada. “Apprenticeship Grants.”
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