A Chill Is In The Air…

Brrr! Did you feel that? We are now in the awkward transition phase between Fall and Winter; cold, wet, damp and snow mixed in with a bit of sunshine…if we’re lucky. We need to soak in all the sunshine we can get after the long, hard, difficult year we have had. It isn’t over, but the memorable year of 2020 is coming to an end. Now might be a great time to start planning how you will “survive” the winter shut in. We have had a lot of practice staying in doors and not going anywhere because of the pandemic, which could make things feel worse this winter. However, getting outside, even when there is a chill in the air, is good for the mind, body and soul.
Some Articles of Note in November:
Portraying Disability in TV and Film We Can Do More by Rochelle C. Pangilinan- Community
How to Be Your Own Boss in Work and Life by Anthony Teles- Campus Life
Endangered Jobs A Look at the Jobs on the Brink of Extinction by Rochelle C. Pangilinan- Campus Life
Spend Time, Save Money: Benefits to Taking a Year Off Before College By Meghan Brown- Financial Aid and Money
Take Care Everyone!
Erin Kelly
Content Editor
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