Anger: The Unexpected Storyteller

Anger is arguably one of, if not the most complex of human emotions. It acts as an instinctive response to many different situations, whether it be something simple like receiving a bad grade or something much more complicated like losing a loved one. Anger is a natural response to suffering, either emotional or physical. The difficult part about it as an expression of emotion is that the way that the outside world perceives it depends on whether or not they deem your anger as justifiable. Different people get angry for different reasons, and when you think about it, anger can reveal a lot about someone. There are many types of anger, whether it be calm, internalized rage or loud and explosive. If the Wi-Fi drops, and you immediately become frustrated and walk around to different parts of the house to get a signal, you are perceived as the impatient type. Should you sit around and quietly wait it out, perhaps you are more patient. Consequently, whenever we become angry, we unknowingly reveal something about ourselves. So, anger also plays the role of an unexpected storyteller; it can say a lot about a person and whatever is going on underneath.
What Does Anger Say About Us?
Anger is recognized as a fundamental human emotion – it happens just as frequently as sadness, happiness, or any other feeling. As mentioned before, anger can be an inherent reaction to pain. Physical pain is easy to see, and therefore, easy to empathize with. But internalized pain, whether it be emotional or some form of mental distress, is more difficult to understand because it cannot be seen. In my life as a rather anxious person, anger has indeed been a response to dealing with the side effects of my anxiety. A big reason that I can become so angry is because I feel resentment towards certain people in my life for not understanding or acknowledging what I am going through. Even when they may not know. However, anger can be an effective storyteller because it always has a cause; when one is angry there is almost always a reason for it. So, when someone sees that you are angry, they begin to notice that there is something going on with you.
What Can Anger Say About You?
A lot of the time, people are unable to express their anger and they end up bottling it up for long periods. When people bottle up their anger for too long they can become agitated by little things. Anger can be difficult to find a positive outlet for because it can make everything seem annoying or uninviting. Recently, I watched a video about a new trend called rage rooms. A rage room is full of random objects such as televisions, glass, computers, etc. You wear full body protection and there are bats and other weapons that you can use to break the objects to express your anger and get it out of your system. Some people rather enjoy the rooms because they help them relieve anger and stress. I asked my brother what he would do if he went to one. He said that he would probably break one thing and then feel guilty about it. It shows that even in his angry state, he is still a remorseful person. But I do wonder, what does one’s anger say about them if they like destroying things to demonstrate their anger? Does that mean that they come across as violent when they are angry? Personally, I think that rage rooms are an interesting concept because anger is such a harmful emotion and sometimes it needs to be expressed in destructive ways; however, a rage room allows you to express this without hurting anyone or yourself. They also allow you to release stress and take your anger out on random objects that have no value to you or anyone you know, rather than a person. At the end of the day, ensure that your anger does not get the best of you or cloud your better judgement.
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