Show Them How It’s Done: 5 Ways to...

Show Them How It’s Done: 5 Ways to Conduct an Effective Interview (French version available)

by Rochelle C. Pangilinan
Jobs People Do | JobsPeopleDo.com

It’s a given that the pandemic has had a big impact on our online activities, but Statistics Canada gives a much clearer picture of just how much. Based on a report released in June 2021, 75% of Canadians 15 years of age and older engaged in various online activities, with almost half (48%) saying they engaged in these online activities for the first time.

Keeping these in mind, it’s no wonder that most interviews now are done via online platforms like Zoom or Microsoft Teams. If you’ve been tasked to conduct an interview soon, whether it’s for your job or something related to a school project, it pays to arm yourself with these five sure-fire tips on how to do an effective interview. Read on below.

  1. Lay out a professional environment.

Knowing you’re the one conducting the interview may bring into the temptation of keeping it casual, but it’s just as important as being on the other side of the camera. The pressure may not fall on your shoulders in a major way, but you still have a mission to accomplish during these interviews. This means you’ll have to find a spot that gives off the most professional vibes possible and fight that urge to use the beach or Golden Gate Bridge background. Keep an eye on too casual behaviour as well such as munching on snacks or drinking coffee constantly during your interview.

  1. Give a roadmap for the interview.

Don’t let candidates go into an interview blindly. Before firing off with your questions, introduce yourself accordingly and provide an outline for the interview. This doesn’t have to be a lengthy one – you want the interviewee to do more of the talking, after all – but relaying the gist will give a better picture on how the interview will be conducted. You can also emphasize that towards the end, you’ll allow time for the interviewee to ask questions.

  1. Prepare the questions beforehand.

To ensure the interview meets your goal, do your part and review the interviewee’s resume or any related documents and list down your questions. This will make the interview more focused and time efficient. Doing research is also a great way to know if the interviewee has an interesting aspect that you would like to further delve on during the interview.

  1. Keep an eye out for non-verbal cues.

In face-to-face interviews, it’s easier to watch out for non-verbal cues, but this is something you shouldn’t miss out on during remote interviews. It’s an effective way to assess your candidate’s confidence and grace under pressure. If the interviewee looks away while talking instead of looking directly at the camera, then it’s a good sign that they’re unsure of themselves and may not be a reliable team player when the situation calls for it.

  1. Give yourself a breather.

While it’s tempting to pack in as many candidates as you can, it’s important that you give yourself sufficient time to take a break in between interviews. This is also a good way to ensure you can mentally draw a line among your candidates and distinguish them from one another, instead of lumping them all together. You’ll have a better chance of assessing who will be the best fit for the job or the school project you’re working on.

Doing interviews comes with its set of challenges. So be sure to give the above tips a try and you’ll be more than ready to conduct the interview and find the best candidate!



Domencic, Andrew. “5 Tips for Conducting an Interview.” Geneva College. https://www.geneva.edu/blog/career/5-tips-for-interview

Monster. “Interview Tips for the Interviewer.” https://hiring.monster.com/resources/recruiting-strategies/interviewing-candidates/interview-tips-for-the-interviewerus/

Statistics Canada. “Internet use and COVID-19: How the pandemic increased the amount of time Canadians spend online.” https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/45-28-0001/2021001/article/00027-eng.htm

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