Published on May, 2022

Learning on the Job: Waiting Tables (French version available)

May 2nd, 2022; By Mara Hurst

With the Covid pandemic, finding jobs was extremely difficult. One of the few jobs I found was at a local restaurant. They were looking for a hostess, and I thought […]

How to Prepare Good References (French version available)

May 2nd, 2022; By Sarah Leung

What is a Reference? When applying for jobs, a reference is someone you trust to provide a good review of you. Depending on the situation, a reference can be anyone […]

Bored and Stressed at Work? Strategies for Getting Through (Or Getting Out Of) Difficult Work Experiences (French version available)

May 2nd, 2022; By Olivia Condlln-Wilby

Identify the Source of Stress, Boredom, Or Fatigue If you are unhappy or dissatisfied at work, it’s a good idea to identify what exactly is making you feel that way. […]

Public Relations Specialist (French version available)

May 2nd, 2022; By Susan Huebert

If you walk down the main street of the nearest city or town, you will likely see many types of businesses. For some of them, an advertisement in the local […]

Graders and Sorters, Agricultural Products (French version available)

May 2nd, 2022; By Susan Huebert

At a grocery store, you can see all kinds of foods, including meat, fruit, and vegetables. Before the food gets there, graders and sorters work to divide the food into […]

Reusing and Repurposing: 3 Reasons Why These Two “R”s Are Better than Recycling (French version available)

May 2nd, 2022; By Rochelle C. Pangilinan

Have you ever wondered how much waste the world produces each year? Well, you’d be surprised. The statistics are downright staggering. According to Earth.org, globally, there are 300 million tons […]

The Benefits of Stretching Regularly and How to Make It a Habit (French version available)

May 2nd, 2022; By Linda Mendes

Stretching regularly has several benefits. It is a great and healthy habit to have. If you’re interested in the benefits of stretching regularly and how to make stretching a habit, […]