Published on February 1st, 2025

La Saint-Valentin et la culture du mercantilisme

February 1st, 2025; By Anthony Teles

Tous les 14 février, appelés journées de la Saint-Valentin, nous nous livrons à de petits plaisirs en mangeant du chocolat et en organisant des rendez-vous romantiques. Cette journée spéciale existe […]

Career Profile: Powerline Technician

February 1st, 2025; By Susan Huebert

Turning on a light, using the oven, or recharging a phone seem like simple actions, but they require power, often from electricity. That power uses overhead and underground lines that […]

Futurpreneur.ca Supports Young Adults Looking to Start Their Own Business (French version available)

February 1st, 2025; By Meghan Brown

Thinking of starting your own business? Many people want to work for themselves rather than an employer and for many different reasons.  Maybe you have a passion or skill you […]

Cinq livres à avoir lu avant l’école secondaire

February 1st, 2025; By Anthony Teles

Trouver un livre à lire peut sembler intimidant. Il semble qu’il existe d’innombrables choix. Si vous tapez dans Google combien de livres il y a dans le monde, la réponse […]

What is the 15-Minute City Concept? (French version available)

February 1st, 2025; By Sarah Leung

What is a 15-Minute City? The 15-minute city concept allows citizens to access their essential needs within a 15-minute walk. Many Canadian cities, including Ottawa, Edmonton, and Victoria, have implemented […]

Finding Veritable Online Sources: A Guide for High School Students (French version available)

February 1st, 2025; By Sarah Leung

The internet provides a great source of knowledge. It displays itself as approachable, yet deceiving, with its global accessibility. Anyone can publish and read information on the internet, but the […]

Careers & Jobs That Keep You Close to Nature (French version available)

February 1st, 2025; By Linda Mendes

Do you enjoy spending time in nature? Are you curious about which jobs or careers keep you close to nature? If so, the following are a few jobs and careers […]