Author's articles

Tips and Advice for Preparing and Actually Writing Your Novel

April 1st, 2022; By Susan Huebert

Reading a story can be fun. However, writing a novel has certain challenges. During the pandemic, you might have decided to write a book of fiction. Preparing for and writing […]

BC’s budget focused on climate change: Addressing the Crisis, Creating Job Opportunities (French version available)

April 1st, 2022; By Susan Huebert

The summer of 2021 in British Columbia showed what climate change can do to the land and the people. Fires that destroyed entire communities, floods that devastated homes and schools, […]

Career Profile: Auto Body Repairer (French version available)

April 1st, 2022; By Susan Huebert

Every day, accidents happen on roads all over Canada. They might be minor and barely dent or scratch the vehicles involved, or they might badly damage cars or trucks. For […]

The Working for Workers Act and Why the “Right to Disconnect” is Important (French version available)

April 1st, 2022; By Susan Huebert

In 2021, the government of Ontario introduced the Working for Workers Act to try to help make life better for workers in the province. The act contains several important elements, […]

Career Profile: Information Technology Network Technician

April 1st, 2022; By Susan Huebert

If you ever work with computers, you know how helpful but sometimes frustrating they can be. You might have worked for hours on a project and then found that only […]

Un aperçu sur la carrière du finisseur de meubles

March 2nd, 2022; By Susan Huebert

Chaque pièce de votre logement ou de votre école possède des meubles. Les personnes de métiers qui s’assurent que ces meubles sont beaux sont les finisseurs de meubles. Comme leur […]

Un aperçu sur la carrière du mécanicien de moteurs de bateau

March 2nd, 2022; By Susan Huebert

Certaines personnes aiment travailler avec les moteurs, en les démontant pour voir comment ils fonctionnent et les remontant ensuite. Ces machines sont de différentes sortes, y compris des moteurs de […]