November 24th, 2014; By National Center for Learning Disabilities
Are you a soon-to-be high school graduate? If so, congratulations! But if you have a learning disability (LD) or ADHD, there are a few things you need to do before […]

November 17th, 2014; By NEADS
What are my rights to post-secondary education as a person with a disability? All educational institutions have a legal obligation to provide reasonable accommodation, up to the point of ‘undue […]

November 17th, 2014; By NEADS
If you’re a student with a disability looking at your post-secondary options, we’ve provided a handy link to the NEADS website where you can access information about campus disability services […]

November 17th, 2014; By Service Canada
Am I eligible? You are eligible if you: – apply and qualify for a Canada Student Loan; – are enrolled in a full-time or part-time program (minimum 32 weeks) at […]

November 17th, 2014; By National Center for Learning Disabilities
You’ve got big academic dreams – they’ve got the funds! Scholarships are “free money” given to a student for their college education—unlike loans, this money does not have to be […]

October 23rd, 2014; By Jasmin Bollman is proud to introduce our new Community Living Pathway, your link to the most up-to-date information for students with disabilities. Featuring scholarships, information on transitioning from high school to […]

October 23rd, 2014; By National Center for Learning Disabilities
A growing number of students now take tests that determine whether they will advance to the next grade level. If students do not pass these tests, they may be held […]