
Où trouver des occasions de bénévolat, 2è partie

by Jingwei Chen

Dans la 1è partie de cette série d’articles, j’ai donné trois endroits classiques où les étudiants du secondaire peuvent trouver du bénévolat pour les 40 h de service communautaire obligatoire […]

Le bénévolat : comment en tirer le meilleur

by Jason LeBlanc

Il existe beaucoup d’avantages à faire du bénévolat dès le plus jeune âge. Si vous avez demandé conseil auprès d’un professeur, d’un conseiller d’orientation, d’un parent ou d’un bénévole, pour […]

Employment Barriers for Individuals with Disabilities

by Mariann Roberts

On March 18th, 2016, CBC Radio One did a special on how hard it is to get a job if you have a disability. Why is it so hard? What […]

How to Get a Great Scholarship Recommendation Letter

by Meghan Brown

Letters of recommendation are an essential part of many scholarship applications.  They provide a way for the scholarship award committee to learn about you from people who know you personally, […]

How do I get a Bank Loan for my Education?

by Laura Sciarpelletti

Post-secondary education is not cheap, and unfortunately many students do not have the funding to go throughout their educational careers without going into debt. In Canada, an average post-secondary education […]

Do I Have to be Smart to Get a Scholarship?

by Laura Sciarpelletti

There is a difference between being smart and being ambitious. A lot of people in high school think that being smart means being academic. That is not the case. Everyone […]