First Jobs that Don’t Come with Fries

One of the first milestones you’ll hit after puberty and before graduation will be your first job. Nothing says adulthood like going to work (even if it’s part time). Noreen Rasbach, writing for The Globe and Mail, found that 65 per cent of high school students have a part time job.
Think you’re ready for the leap? Hesitate about a job that requires you to ask, “do you want fries with that?” puts it nicely, “It is a common misconception among teens that the only jobs available to them are in fast food restaurants or grocery stores. Those types of positions are often most visible, and they are great jobs, but they are not the only options.” Here are some other places to apply.
1. Lifeguard/ Swimming Instructor
Typically thought of as a summer job, you can still do this year round at community centres and branches at the YMCA. If you’re a strong swimmer and have completed the necessary courses as well as your First Aid/CPR, you could be teaching the doggie paddle to toddlers in no time.
2. Tour Guide
If you’re bilingual, consider a job where you take members of the public around a gallery, museum or part of your city. This is the perfect job for a detailed oriented person with a knack for remembering factoids.
3. Tutor
Did you ace biology last year? Have you been taking piano since 3? Advertise yourself as a private tutor. Private tutoring companies will charge parents an arm and a leg for their own certified tutors. Prove your stuff to interested parents (show them report cards, ask a teacher for reference, play Mozart’s Sonatas).
4. Pet-Sitter
Know of a family going on holidays or just taking off for the weekend? Offer to walk Fido and feed Fluffy while they’re away.
5. Retail
It may be a bit harder to get a retail job with no experience, but try and aim for a seasonal position either in the summer or during Christmas. I’ve worked for 5 years at a toy store from lowly sales clerk all the way up to assistant manager. Every year I’ve seen the staff double from July-August and again from November-December.
Whatever job you land, make sure you make time for the most important thing: school. In a 2007 Statistics Canada report, working teens are averaging 7.1 hours a week. Ask yourself if you could realistically juggle a part time job on top of school, homework and extracurricular activities. Simona Siad from The Star interviewed 16 year old Tulin Akdemir, who warns “You have to have a part-time job to make money, then you have to keep your grades up and then all your extra things. It’s really hard.”
Any of the jobs mentioned above are temporary and short-termed. Ease yourself into the working world with a few of these so you can get a sample of what you really like and what you would like to avoid. Even if you disagree; there’s no rush to growing up!
I’ve been working as a volunteer reading/peer tutor in grade 9, 10 and 12. Great article!