Author's articles

The Dangers of Always Being on Social Media and How to Beat the Addiction

May 2nd, 2022; By Linda Mendes

Social media consists of online platforms in which people can communicate with friends or family, as well as other people with similar interests. There are many social media sites. Commonly […]

Conseils pour perdre, sans danger, le poids pris pendant la pandémie ou les fêtes

March 2nd, 2022; By Linda Mendes

Depuis le début de la pandémie, c’est difficile de s’en tenir à de saines habitudes, surtout pendant les fêtes de Noël. Êtes-vous quelqu’un qui veut perdre le poids pris pendant […]

Conseils pour pratiquer le français en dehors du cours de français

March 2nd, 2022; By Linda Mendes

Lorsque les gens apprennent une nouvelle langue comme le français, ils ne le font souvent qu’en classe. C’est important de prendre un peu de temps pour s’exercer en dehors du […]

Tips for Safely Losing Weight Gained from the Pandemic/Holidays (French version available)

March 1st, 2022; By Linda Mendes

Since the pandemic began, it has been difficult to stick to healthy habits, especially during the holiday season. Are you someone that has been wanting to lose the weight that […]

Yes Eye Can: Jobs That Require Great Eyesight

February 1st, 2022; By Linda Mendes

Great vision is not necessary for all jobs but some do require you to have great eyesight. Some jobs might require you to complete an eye exam before you are […]

Overcoming Shyness in the Classroom: How to Speak Up and Get More Involved

February 1st, 2022; By Linda Mendes

It is common for students to be shy in school. They may not be comfortable expressing their thoughts and ideas in class. Shy students should be encouraged to work on […]

How to Boost Your Self-Esteem and See Yourself in a Better Light

February 1st, 2022; By Linda Mendes

Self-esteem is the opinion you have about yourself and your abilities. Your self-esteem can be high, low, or in the middle and it can change very often. Having low self-esteem […]