Community Pathway

How to be an Ally to Indigenous People

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By Avreet Jagdev What is Allyship? Allyship is a word which means building relationships with marginalized communities to help support and advocate for them. Marginalized groups are those that may […]

How the Arts Help Emotional Expression and Mental Health in Youth

by Sarah Leung

Engaging in the arts can help youth express and navigate their emotions, as well as help with their mental health. According to the Canadian Institute for Health Information, 70 per […]

The Significance of Land Acknowledgments

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By Avreet Jagdev Over the years, there has been a larger focus on land acknowledgements across Canada. What are land acknowledgements, and why are they so important? Land acknowledgements are […]

The Importance of Utilizing Mental Health Services on Campus: Post-Secondary and the Archetype of the Depressed College Student

by Elora Pharai

As the leaves begin to wilt into shades of amber and brown, we’ve found ourselves at the start of another school year. For some of us, this will be a […]

Degrassi: The Next Generation Marks 20 Years of “Pride”

by Sarah Leung

Many Canadians have likely heard of the iconic youth drama series Degrassi. Beginning as The Kids of Degrassi Street in 1978, Degrassi transitioned into telling the stories of high school teens. […]

Transphobia in Canada: A look into the issue, and what must be done.

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By Avreet Jagdev Transphobia is a term that refers to discrimination against transgender and gender-queer people. At the core, it is rooted in a rejection of transgender identity, and refusing […]