
Mastering the Pen: Calligraphy Tips for Beginners

by Rochelle C. Pangilinan

In this day and age wherein everyone has ready access to a mobile phone, tablet, or laptop, it is always an advantage to learn a new skill untouched by modern […]

How to Handle History

by Anthony Teles

History is daunting in its depth and data. Subjects like English and mathematics have clear rules and obvious implications on our daily lives. History is filled with events, dates, and […]

Baby Shoes: How to Write a Short Story

by Anthony Teles

One of the shortest stories ever written has only six words: “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” This extremely short story is sometimes attributed to Ernest Hemingway. In merely half […]

Career Profile: Book Editor

by Susan Huebert

For people who love to read, becoming a book editor might seem like the perfect job. However, being an editor is about much more than just reading. It’s also about […]

Why You Should Be Outside More and Away from the TV or Computer

by Leah Butler

It’s finally spring time! The weather is getting warmer, the plants are starting to grow and the chance to be outside more is increasing! However, electronics such as TV, computer […]

A Basic Structure Guide to Writing a Great Essay

by Gavin Mercier

For most students, essays are the worst part about school. Unfortunately, you’re going to have to write a lot of essays as long as you’re in school. However, writing them […]