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Editor's Note

Black History, Winter Blues, and Family Day… All in the Shortest Month!

February may be the shortest month, but it packs a punch! We’re deep into winter, and while the days are slowly getting longer, the cold and grey can make it feel like the season is dragging on forever. If you’re feeling a bit sluggish, you’re not alone — it’s that time of year when motivation can dip. But February also brings important moments to reflect, learn, and reconnect.

Black History Month is a time to celebrate the achievements and contributions of Black Canadians while also confronting the challenges and systemic injustices that persist. In this issue, we take a closer look at how BIPOC history is represented in schools, highlight five historic Black Canadians, and explore Canada’s past with slavery and segregation.

Winter can be tough, and mental and physical health can take a hit as February drags on. We’ve got articles on handling the winter blues, along with career profiles that highlight jobs keeping people warm — like insulation workers — and jobs that keep you close to nature if you’re already dreaming of spring. If you’re looking for a way to help others this season, we’re also covering careers that support the homeless and those living in poverty.

Family Day is a perfect chance to reconnect with loved ones, whether that means doing something special together or just enjoying some much-needed downtime. Check out this issue for ideas on fun Family Day activities and ways to strengthen your relationships.

For even more unique insights, check out our interviews with industry pros, where professionals share firsthand experiences and advice on their careers.

Stay warm, stay motivated, and keep pushing forward — we’re one month closer to spring!

Warm regards,
Anthony Teles
Vice-President, Content

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